In fairness, I did acknowledge in the very first paragraph of this blog that there was a real risk that I wouldn't keep up with it for more than a couple of months. Also to my credit, it appears that I kept up with it for THREE months!
What happened? Well, I wrote some entries, and generally did a good job keeping up with what was going on with my cars, until I didn't anymore. I went to a meet, or some group drive, and when I got home I was tired. I didn't want to take the time to edit photos and write it up right then. Maybe in a couple days. And then I did something else with cars, and suddenly I had twice as much to write about. On and on, and the backlog grew into something unmanageable. I have a graveyard of 'draft' posts, including some opinion/reflection pieces that I think grew too large and put me off of writing. I didn't want to write things out of order in a time-based blog, so I let it go.
Even so, I have to admit that I'm embarrassed it's been nothing since April of last year. We're looking at over 18 months of negligence. So much negligence, that I look at my list of cars in the "build threads" widget and two of the cars have graduated to "sold" status. (I am going to update that list in a minute, so for posterity, the last time I had an entry I still had my 2002tii and the Miata. Those have been sold to happy new homes, and I hope to share those stories) In the same vein, a new car has entered the chat the garage and I've got plenty to share about it.
Now I have to figure out how to get this thing back on track. I just did some testing and it looks like it is possible to set custom publication dates for posts, which is handy. Most of the content I want to share has been generated, but it's been posted elsewhere. Hopefully I can cross-post it back to this website, with the correct dates pulled from those other locations, and the blog here can serve as a central hub. I won't be able to capture everything so easily, but I will get a large chunk that way, so I am encouraged. I will probably put some type of [indicator] in the posts that are being inserted back in the past, to avoid confusing those who thought they were up to date.
That is, of course, assuming that someone out there is reading.